A Family Disease
By Steps
to Recovery on November 8, 2012
Many times you will hear addiction referred to as a family disease. If one of your family members is affected by
the disease of addiction, odds are your entire family is going to suffer.
Addicts who are in active addiction fail to realize that they hurt the people
closest to them the most. Usually, the most difficult part about this for the
family is that they cannot “fix” the addict and get them to stop using. Without
proper education families are not equipped with the knowledge to properly deal
with their loved one’s addiction. An active substance abuser has the ability to
tear families apart; the constant worry and stress of things going missing, the
sick feeling in their stomachs every time the phone rings; all of these things
need their own time to recover. Just as the addict needs to treat their
disease, the family must treat their own issues which have stemmed from the addiction. If the family does not change as a unit, it is likely it will fall
apart. Whether your loved one is currently using or currently in recovery, it
is your responsible to take a hold of your own recovery.
1) Get a Support
Network- Just as an addict can’t recover alone, most families cannot
either. Families affected by the disease of addiction carry shame, guilt, and
feelings of loneliness. Feeling that you are alone is only in your own head.
Find a support group you connect with and who have the same experiences as you.
Attempting to do this on your own is a very dangerous equation. There are many
support groups out there to help families affected by addiction, use them!
2) Educate Yourself- Surely if your
loved one was suffering from diabetes or cancer you would educate yourself on
those diseases. So why would addiction be any different?
The more educated you become on the disease the better you will be able to cope
with it. Being educated makes you more self aware of your own behaviors as well
as the addicted person’s.
3) Change Old Behaviors- Once we
have become aware of the problem it is no longer acceptable to live in old
behaviors. Enabling your loved ones, lying for them, or denying to yourself
that there is a problem can all be deadly to the addict. Now that you are aware
there is a problem, it is everyone’s responsibility to change their behaviors
in order to recover. It helps no one to turn a blind eye and live in denial.
4) Stay Vigilant- The reality of
addiction and recovery is that there are no guarantees. Addicts
suffer from a life long terminal illness. Meaning, relapse is a reality.
Obviously, as a loved one we can hope and pray that the addict will stay clean
forever, however that is not how it always works. We must always stay vigilant
in our recovery to be able to deal with bumps in the road and possible
relapses. Staying constantly active in your own recovery is essential if you
want to be supportive, loving, and compassionate for the addicted person.
) Engage the Entire Family- If one
part of the family is not on the same page as the rest, it is likely that this
will disrupt everyone’s recovery process. It is
just like a child who goes to mom and when she says no, goes to dad because he
will say yes. All family members have to be on the same page. Addicts are very
smart in manipulation, it is a skill they have mastered over the years. If
there is a weak link in the chain they will exploit it.
Family recovery is just as essential
as an addict’s recovery. Families can be left damaged for years by active
addiction. Without work, they will likely fall apart. Pointing the finger and dwelling on the past doesn’t do any good, we must stay in the present and
continue to move forward to recover. Families must understand it is important
to ask for help. Always ask for help. Pride, and ego must be put
aside, asking for help is not a sign of weakness, rather a sign of strength.
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